Background - how MiB64 finds translations
When MiB64 is started it looks for all files ending .pj.Lang in
the \Lang\ subfolder, opens each file, takes the line beginning "#1 # "
(which will be the internal name of the language) and uses all of these to populate
the Language selection menu. Note that the filename itself is not used except
by us to identify the files.
Starting a new translation
To make a new translation file for MiB64, simply copy one of the
existing .pj.Lang files - it doesn't matter which, you'd probably take the original
English, then open the copy in a text editor (such as Microsoft Notepad, included
with Windows) and you can begin editing the text.
Preserving file layout
Be careful that you don't change the formatting (layout) of the file
at all. Every line must start hash-number-hash (e.g. #460#), then open quotes
("), then the actual text you want, then close quotes ("). Anything
prefixed by "//" or contained within "/* ... */" is a comment
and will be ignored by the emulator i.e. it is only for humans reading the file.
Make sure you use Notepad to edit the file, not Word or some other complex program
which might mess up the formatting.
Line breaks
Line breaks (the movement from one line to the next, or line spaces)
are taken literally, so to start a new line of text e.g. in an error message,
you actually press ENTER in the translation file. Do not use the end quote (")
until the end of the last line. (Also, don't use quotes anywhere in your text!)
To create keyboard shortcut keys, put a "&" symbol before
the letter you want to as a shortcut. For example l#127# "&Load State"
in the .Lang file will become "Load State" in the application
and pressing "L" when in the System menu will instantly load a state
:). These shortcut keys are optional. You cannot change the CTRL+ or Function
key shortcuts via the language file.
Don't forget to test your file! Make sure it loads properly (if not, check
for missing closing quotes), and that the text fits the space available (if
not, abbreviate!)