This section will take you through keyboard shortcuts ib MiB64.


  1. The shortcut keys available to you depend on the state of the emulator (mirrors availability of the associated menu items).
  2. Remember you can also navigate the menus with the ALT+(key) indicators, e.g. by default ALT+F opens the file menu, then pressing S would Start Emulation (these keys are set up by the language file so they depend on the file and your current language selection).
  3. Note that CTRL+ key combinations open dialogues while F(function) keys have instant effects. F-key shortcuts are available while fullscreen but CTRL+keys are not.
  4. You cannot change the shortcut keys in MiB64 (but if you have a gamepad with lots of buttons and good software you could map to those).

Available in browser and during emulation:

open ROM dialog CTRL+O
settings dialog CTRL+T
quit application ALT+F4

start emulation

end emulation F12

Available during emulation:

switch fullscreen/windowed ALT+ENTER/Escape
reboot ROM F1
pause/resume emulation F2
generate bitmap F3*
enable/disable speed limiter F4*
state quick save F5
state save dialog CTRL+S
state quick load F7
state load dialog CTRL+L
select quick state save slot 0-9
always on top toggle CTRL+A
cheat dialog CTRL+C
edit cheats right mouse button*
cheat button F9

Available in ROM Browser:

refresh F5
jump to top Home
jump to bottom End
up one page Page Up
down one page Page Down
up one line Up arrow
down one line Down arrow
jump to ROM starting with... 0-9 A-Z
start selected game Enter
open menu right mouse button

*only available in Advanced mode.

Using MiB64 Start, Stop, Reset Games Save & Load Games Using Cheats
Taking Screenshots Multiple Instances Keyboard Shortcuts Troubleshooting stability

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