The MiB64
terms and conditions are
detailed in the authors'
document, README.TXT,
which is in your
MiB64 folder. Please
read that document now
if you have not already.
To clarify
some points:
You may NOT
repackage MiB64
(add, remove, alter
files) without the
authors' permission
distribution of
Jabo's and Zilmar's
plugins seperately -
they are a part of
MiB64. It's also
best for users if
they get the
complete package and
documentation. You
are welcome to
distribute the
original archive as
long as you do not
charge for it.
About the source
The license does NOT
require you to
publicly release the
source to any
binaries that you
made using MiB64
source code. The
MiB64 authors
ask only that you
send them a copy of
the modified source
if they ask for it.
About this file: This
document only covers
official MiB64
releases, and was
written by Gent for the
official MiB64 v1.0
release. Any other
versions of MiB64
available may differ in
any number of ways, and
this help file may not
apply - please refer to
the documentation
included with them.
GUI text referred to
in this document may
differ from what you
actually see in the
emulator, depending on
your language options
and translations file
you have installed. I
have referred to my own
text, which is available
by making "English
alternative" your
language choice
("English" is the
original application GUI
Anyone may translate
and distribute the
translation of part or
all of this
documentation for the
purpose of assisting
MiB64 users who do
not read English. Try to
preserve the original
meaning of the text as
far as possible (do not
add or subtract without
clear annotation) and
credit the source.
Thank you for
respecting all this.